Dave Jerry Bursary

Dave Jerry was a well-respected and well-loved member of the Academy. He served for over twelve years on Committee, first as the Members’ Representative and later as Assistant Secretary and Course Officer. He organised and staffed many of the coaching courses at Denstone, as well as other courses in his region. He was knowledgeable, friendly and very supportive of all who came to Denstone. With his background in the RAF and long experience in the fencing world, he was a fund of countless anecdotes and stories.
To commemorate Dave and to reflect his strong involvement in coach education, it has been decided to set up a Bursary in his name.  This Bursary comes in the form of a significant cash donation, to be spent by an Academy member on furthering their Academy qualifications, either at Denstone, or on other courses run by the Academy.
Please forward nominations to any member of the committee.
Open the Dave Jerry Award document below for full details.