Higher Levels

The BAFs higher awards – Advanced and Diploma – focus almost entirely on the skills of coaching the competitive fencer up to the very highest levels.  At this point, the technical skills of the coach should be taken for granted and the whole emphasis of the course and the exams is on his/her ability to provide effective coaching which improves the competitive ability of the pupil, in terms of technique, timing, distance, tactical application and so on.

Those wishing to become full Masters of the Academy are also required to sit a two hour written examination which covers anatomy and physiology, rules and regulations  and coaching theory as well as an essay on general fencing topics.

Master of the Academy (Maître d’Armes)
Fencing Coaches who have passed The Academy’s Diploma Examination, (Written Papers and Practical Examinations) in all three weapons, or those who hold equivalent qualifications accepted by the Committee.

Maître d’Escrime
Fencing Coaches who have passed the Diploma Examination of The Academy at one or more weapons but have yet to fulfil the requirements to become a fencing master, or those who hold equivalent qualifications accepted by the Committee.

Fencing Coaches holding the Provost Certificate of the British Academy of Fencing or who have passed The Academy’s Advanced Examination (written Papers and Practical Examinations) in all three weapons or those who hold equivalent qualifications accepted by the Committee.

While the BAF does not impose any entry requirements for those wishing to put themselves forward for these awards, it much be emphasised that reaching the standard required to pass such exams entails intense and sustained commitment to training previous to coming on any such course, or substantial coaching / competitive experience at the very highest levels.  Any attempt to pass such a level based simply on an occasional weekend or residential course is likely to result in frustration for all concerned.  The Academy reserves to right to refuse places on its courses to candidates it deems unsuitable.

Potential advanced or diploma candidates are strongly urged to contact us as early as possible to obtain advice concerning their preparation for the course or exam.