
BAF Coaching Exams

Exams Results Coordinator: Prof. Andrew Vincent, Examination Days are held throughout the year around the country.

Please contact the President Peter Northam for further details and to reserve a place.

Please note: It will not be possible to simply turn up on the day to take an examination. Due to time and space constraints only those candidates who have reserved a place will be allowed to take an examination.

Minimum Age for taking Academy Coaching Awards

The minimum age for taking any British Academy of Fencing Coaching Award is 18 years of age.

Examination Procedure

Candidates for a Diploma Examination must have passed the Class Lesson Section of at least one BAF Advanced Examination before taking the Diploma Examination.

Note: Arrangements may be made with the Examination Officer to take the Advanced Class Examination immediately before the Diploma Examination starts. Success in this Examination would permit the candidate to continue on to take the Diploma Examination but failure to pass the Advanced Class would render the candidate ineligible for the Diploma Examination. In such cases the weapon for the Class Lesson must be that to be attempted for the Diploma Examination.

Examinations – External Candidates / Residential Courses

Candidates, who are not attending a BAF Official Residential Course, but who apply to take a coaching award examination at the end of such a course, must understand and accept the following.

The Course Officer will take into account the numbers attending the course, the potential number of examination candidates and the number of examination boards that will be required. Priority must always be given to those attending the course itself and not to external candidates.

Where the Course Officer finds it possible to allow an external candidate to be examined, the candidate must provide his/her own pupil for the Individual Section of the Examination.

External candidates will, in addition to the normal examination fee, be required to pay a day attendance fee for the day of the examination. If it proves to be impossible to offer an examination to the applicant, then these fees will be refunded.

The Course Officer must receive applications for examination as an external candidate four weeks before the commencement of the course. It may not be possible to notify the external candidate that his/her application has been successful until 72 hours before the day of the examination.

If the Course Officer is able to approve an application from an external candidate then the external candidate must arrive at the examination venue by 8.30 am on the morning of the examination.

In all cases the decision of the Course Officer, whether or not to accept external candidates, will be final.

Exam Procedure & ConductDownload (pdf)
Exam TimingsDownload (pdf)