AGM Details

Notice of Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the British Academy of Fencing will take place on Saturday 25th January 2025 at 10.00 am at the:

Holiday Inn Birmingham M6 Junction 7, Chapel Lane Birmingham, B43 7BG



The AGM is a formal opportunity to air your views on current matters and to elect people to  committee posts.

The positions of: Vice-Presidents and Secretary are due for re-election, but other posts on the Committee will be confirmed at the AGM.

Please note that only members attending the AGM will be able to vote; there is no proxy vote for any item on the Agenda.

Proposals for alteration or addition to the articles are required, in writing to the Secretary, at least 21 days before the meeting (by 19th January). Other proposals to be tabled at the AGM should be submitted to the Secretary 10 days before the AGM (by 15th January).

Apologies for absence may be forwarded via any Committee Member.